First and foremost, we would like to thank Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Eng. Lt. Col. Dr. Chandana Gamage who guided us through doing these projects, provided with invaluable advice, helped us in difficult periods and provided equipment for our projects. His willingness to motivate us contributed tremendously to the success of these projects. Besides we would like to thank all CSE staff members who helped us by giving advice and providing equipment which we needed.
Also we would like to convey our gratitude to Dr. Upali Khomban, President of Computer Science and Engineering Society (CS&ES) and Lt. Col. Athula Samarasinghe, Asst. Secretary of CS&ES, who gave us necessary information and guidance for these projects. Also CS&ES sponsored us in buying equipment needed for some of these projects. Without that support we couldn’t have succeeded in these projects.
Also we would like to convey our gratitude to Dr. Upali Khomban, President of Computer Science and Engineering Society (CS&ES) and Lt. Col. Athula Samarasinghe, Asst. Secretary of CS&ES, who gave us necessary information and guidance for these projects. Also CS&ES sponsored us in buying equipment needed for some of these projects. Without that support we couldn’t have succeeded in these projects.
At last but not in least we would like to thank all who helped and motivated us.